Passive real estate investment income characteristically comes from income streams that are fairly automated. The investment you make, whether it is in stocks, mutual funds or the real estate market, entitles you to an ownership stake that pays distributions, dividends or other classifications of income on a regular basis. Further, you usually do not have any management responsibility for that investment, as that role is taken on by others.
Continue reading “What is Passive Real Estate Investing?”Finding Sponsors by Looking at SEC Filings – a Tutorial to Find Syndicators
Now it is time to put on your detective hat to find syndicators. All syndicators in the United States are compelled to file their offerings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This filing is a Notice of Sale of Unregistered Securities. Looking for these types of filings gives you a starting point for finding syndicators who have experience syndicating at least one project.
Continue reading “Finding Sponsors by Looking at SEC Filings – a Tutorial to Find Syndicators”Start Here
So… You want to invest in real estate but your time is limited and you do not want to have to manage tenants, toilets and trash.
Many of us know that investing in multi-family real estate can be much safer than investing in the volatile stock market. We want to preserve and even grow our wealth, retirement fund or our nest egg.
Continue reading “Start Here”8 Awesome Ways to Find Syndicators This Week
Let’s find syndicators… There are so many different things to invest in. But a good number of investors who hold well-paying careers or operate successful businesses, pick being able to invest with multifamily syndicators. If you are one of those people, you are likely to have already found some sponsors, or you need help connecting with some. I hope to help you with the latter.
Continue reading “8 Awesome Ways to Find Syndicators This Week”How to Pick a Syndicator to Invest with Them Directly – Ask the Right Questions
Before you evaluate syndication deal opportunities, you first need to evaluate the actual syndication teams. Knowing how to pick a syndicator is a skill that every passive investor needs to hone. Good teams will usually have good deals, so if you are looking for opportunities, finding the team is the higher priority. You may have seen other articles on Actively Passive telling you how to find syndicators. This article will show you what needs to happen next – the interview.
Continue reading “How to Pick a Syndicator to Invest with Them Directly – Ask the Right Questions”How Real Estate Crowdfunding is Making it Easier to Passively Invest in Syndications
In a thought… Real estate crowdfunding has democratized investing in areas, such as large real estate projects, that were only available to the wealthy or well connected. You have heard me discuss crowdfunding in other parts of Actively Passive, but I would like to go into depth on the topic, as one of the biggest benefits of using a crowdfunding platform is that you get to leverage the platform’s due diligence resources. There will usually be a small tradeoff or fee for this privilege, but this allows you to be even more passive than before. In other words, the platforms are doing the work, not you.
Continue reading “How Real Estate Crowdfunding is Making it Easier to Passively Invest in Syndications”